About Us

Huntertechpro Business Consulting Company a comprehensive service brand consisting of executive search firms, business services companies, accounting firms and travel agencies.
A professional company specializing in company incorporation and executive search services in Southeast Asian countries, with knowledge of the gaming industry. 

In order to better perform the profession, Huntertechpro employs nearly 50 professionals in different fields in South East Asia. This includes senior corporate advisors, certified public accountants, business processing professionals, appointed lawyers, and high-level headhunters.

From one-stop services for company incorporation (for-profit business registration, trademarks and patents, work visas, general administration, executive search, etc.)
We will guide our clients to a healthy and steady expansion in the rapidly growing gaming industry.to personal asset planning  With the most rigorous professional ethics and our years of expertise and successful experience in the gaming industry.

Our service solutions are unanimously praised by clients from different countries and of different sizes.

Huntertechpro staff look forward to growing with more customers, and expect to become a reliable partner in your business development path!

Corporate Social Responsibility

We are  not only provides employment opportunities and creates wealth, but also has a positive attitude towards the sustainable development of CSR.
For corporate governance,  environmental sustainability,  social participation,  corporate commitment to make corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Industry information

Immigration policy

Vietnam Entry Policy Entry Specifications:  Cancellation of all COVID-19 entry measures For more information, please refer to the official website of the Vietnamese government Reference website: China Airlines, Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei, Vietnam ...

Malaysia's immigration policy Entry Specifications : Cancellation of all COVID-19 entry measures. (visa on arrival is not yet open) Reference sites: China Airlines, Malaysian Immigration Department, Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Post-entry quarantine / quarantine measures All prospective immigrants are required to download and install the MySejahtera software program and fill in their personal details before arriving in Malaysia, so that the Ministry of Health can track their home quarantine status. All arrivals are required to undergo a neo-canopy test at the airport (including those arriving in West Malaysia for onward flights to East Malaysia and Labuan, and must be ...

Philippines Entry Policy Entry Specifications:  Dual-citizen Filipinos should hold a valid Philippine passport (travel document), proof of identity or proof of regaining or retaining citizenship. Holders of expired Re-Entry Permit (RP) or Special Return Certificate (SRC) can enter the Philippines. Hold a valid visa. Travel Documents and Quarantine Measures:  From December 1, 2022, all passengers are required to complete the electronic travel declaration on the new platform eTravel . Passengers who have fully vaccinated two doses of vaccine (14 days after vaccination):      (1) Prepare proof of vaccination.     (2) Foreign tourists who hold 9A visas, APEC, and visa-free programs must prepare ...

Featured news

AN economist is optimistic about the rebound of foreign direct investments (FDIs) to the Philippines given the continued recovery of ...

According to statistics from the General Bureau of Statistics of the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam, in the ...

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 6 -- The number of new COVID-19 cases increased by more than 500 with 9,380 cases recorded ...

Deaths now at 38,828 (N/A)* Recoveries now at 2,471,282 (+133) *No deaths are reported today because of technical issues in ...

As of October 5, 2021, the number of cured COVID-19 cases in Vietnam was 747,053, accounting for 91.28% of the ...


Market trend

About Taiwan and International Gaming Industry (2) The laws governing online gaming vary around the world. The following is the situation in some countries and regions: United States: The United States has adopted strict supervision and restrictions on online gaming. Federal law prohibits the operation of online gambling in the United States, but states can decide whether to legalize online gambling. As a result, some states have legalized POGOs, but POGO operators need to be licensed by the local government. Europe: Many countries in Europe have adopted an open attitude towards online gambling and established a sound regulatory mechanism. Some ...

About Taiwan and International Gaming Industry (2) Although Taiwan has legislated to legalize public welfare lotteries and sports lotteries, and Article 10-2 of the Outlying Islands Construction Regulations expressly stipulates that casinos can be set up in the outlying islands approved by the referendum in the form of international tourist resorts, However, there are currently no tourist casinos, and the regulations of tourist casinos are as follows: Sightseeing casinos are limited to outlying islands: According to Article 10-2 of the Outlying Islands Construction Regulations amended in 2008, sightseeing casinos can only be located on outlying islands that have passed the ...

About Taiwan and International Gaming Industry As a person with many years of experience in the industry, from an objective point of view, I will explain the current situation of this industry in Taiwan and discuss it at the legal level. First of all, the game industry is an important industry that provides entertainment, and it also involves the gaming industry. This description is because gaming refers to related industries including betting, games, and gambling. In Taiwan, the gambling industry is illegal, but the gaming industry is legal and has gradually become one of the main businesses of economic development, ...

Why Recruitment Is Difficult To Transition After The Epidemic The epidemic has had a certain impact on recruitment and the job market. As the economy shrinks, many businesses have reduced hiring, making the talent market more competitive. At the same time, the epidemic has also made many people unemployed, which means that more job seekers will enter the market. These factors combine to make hiring more difficult, a market condition in which the labor market is oversupplied. However, the impact of the pandemic on hiring has not been entirely negative. By working remotely, many companies have better access to a ...

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