Ho Chi Minh City extended the implementation period of Directive 16 until September 30

On September 13, ho chi minh city people's committee chairman, city COVID - 19 buy pomfret in the steering committee, director of the epidemic prevention and control guidance committee at a news conference, said, according to the government's target of resolution 86, the ministry of health epidemic prevention and control indicators, the city decided to continue according to the government knowledge will extend social distance measures 16 until Sept. 30.

Phan says ho Chi Minh City needs more time to consolidate its results. Since August 23, when epidemic prevention and control measures were stepped up, the city has made outstanding achievements, such as reducing the red zone and expanding the green zone. The proportion of patients decreased significantly. Positive progress has been made in the management of admission and treatment, which is in line with the evolution of urban epidemic situation. The management model of COVID-19 patients in the community has played an effective role, which conforms to the actual situation of the epidemic in the city.

So far, more than 6.5 million people have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine in the city, accounting for more than 90% of the city's population aged over 18, and more than 19% have received the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine, 1.3 million people. Vaccine coverage is an important condition for cities to return to normal life and expand economic activity.

Goods supply in Ho Chi Minh City is gradually improving, with some supermarkets, online delivery personnel, e-commerce and food delivery services resuming operations, helping to meet some of the needs of residents.

As for future epidemic prevention tasks, Pan wenmei said that in the future, the city will focus on implementing some measures, such as improving vaccination coverage; (a) Focus on strengthening the treatment capacity of the health care system, especially primary health care; Focus on formulating an economic recovery plan after September. This week, the city will finalize its post-September epidemic prevention and control and economic recovery plan and solicit opinions from experts, businesses and residents before putting it into effect. In addition, ho Chi Minh City will expand trials of food, medical equipment, medicine and other production, goods distribution, banking, telecommunications and securities services to ensure safety.

Pan added that the city has and is and will continue to focus on social security during the implementation of social distancing measures.

On the issue of the "green card", Tseng Chi-sang, director of ho Chi Minh City's Health Department, said that the "green card" model allows people who have received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine to participate in some activities, but they do not need to be tested unless they have a "green card". "Green card" holders will still be required to follow the "five kits" and be tested if necessary. In the future, the bureau is cooperating with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Communications and Media to carry out the "green card" model. In addition, the city's department of Communications and media is working on introducing unique software as soon as possible. The software will inherit vaccination, test results and 3d codes. The city has submitted the solution to the central government for approval. Ho Chi Minh City will pilot the solution in three locations when it is approved, and later expand it to other green zones within the city.


Reference website: Vietnam+

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