At noon on September 21, the 10 newly confirmed COVID-19 cases in Hanoi were all isolated persons

According to the Health bureau of Hanoi, 10 new confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported between 6pm and 12pm on September 21 in Hanoi, all of which were found in isolation and lockdown areas.

Hanoi, Viet Nam -- Hanoi city reported 10 new confirmed COVID-19 cases between 6am and 12am on September 21, all found in isolation and lockdown zones, according to the Hanoi City Health Department.

The newly confirmed cases are reported in Yongbyon county (five), Bucheon County (three), Hwangmei County (one) and Chungchun County (one).

According to statistics, from the fourth wave of COVID-19 outbreak on April 27 to 12 o 'clock on September 21, there were 4,203 newly confirmed cases in Hanoi, among which 1,311 were screened in communities, and the rest were found in isolation areas, blockaded areas, hospitals and imported cases.

On September 21, the first day of the implementation of the Municipal government's Directive No. 22 on adjusting the epidemic prevention and control measures, some business services resumed without road permits, and citizens could buy food from supermarkets and traditional markets, and streets began to be bustling.


Reference website: Vietnam+

Malaysia COVID: 15,669 new cases, bringing cumulative number to over two mln- Health DG

The number of COVID-19 new cases in the country continued to drop for four days in a row, with 15,669 cases reported in the last 24 hours until noon today.

Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah through his postings on his Twitter account and Facebook page, said the additional cases have brought the

cumulative number to 2,011,440.

Selangor was back reporting the highest number of cases with 2,632 today, followed by Sarawak (1,983) and Johor (1,974).

Sabah, meanwhile, recorded the fourth highest number of daily cases with 1,784, followed by Penang (1,651), Kelantan (1,406) and Kedah (1,207).

Perak recorded 856 cases, Pahang (763), Terengganu (483), Kuala Lumpur (411), Melaka (329), Negeri Sembilan (143), Perlis (30), Putrajaya (14) and Labuan (three).



Ho Chi Minh City extended the implementation period of Directive 16 until September 30

On September 13, ho chi minh city people's committee chairman, city COVID - 19 buy pomfret in the steering committee, director of the epidemic prevention and control guidance committee at a news conference, said, according to the government's target of resolution 86, the ministry of health epidemic prevention and control indicators, the city decided to continue according to the government knowledge will extend social distance measures 16 until Sept. 30.

Phan says ho Chi Minh City needs more time to consolidate its results. Since August 23, when epidemic prevention and control measures were stepped up, the city has made outstanding achievements, such as reducing the red zone and expanding the green zone. The proportion of patients decreased significantly. Positive progress has been made in the management of admission and treatment, which is in line with the evolution of urban epidemic situation. The management model of COVID-19 patients in the community has played an effective role, which conforms to the actual situation of the epidemic in the city.

So far, more than 6.5 million people have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine in the city, accounting for more than 90% of the city's population aged over 18, and more than 19% have received the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine, 1.3 million people. Vaccine coverage is an important condition for cities to return to normal life and expand economic activity.

Goods supply in Ho Chi Minh City is gradually improving, with some supermarkets, online delivery personnel, e-commerce and food delivery services resuming operations, helping to meet some of the needs of residents.

As for future epidemic prevention tasks, Pan wenmei said that in the future, the city will focus on implementing some measures, such as improving vaccination coverage; (a) Focus on strengthening the treatment capacity of the health care system, especially primary health care; Focus on formulating an economic recovery plan after September. This week, the city will finalize its post-September epidemic prevention and control and economic recovery plan and solicit opinions from experts, businesses and residents before putting it into effect. In addition, ho Chi Minh City will expand trials of food, medical equipment, medicine and other production, goods distribution, banking, telecommunications and securities services to ensure safety.

Pan added that the city has and is and will continue to focus on social security during the implementation of social distancing measures.

On the issue of the "green card", Tseng Chi-sang, director of ho Chi Minh City's Health Department, said that the "green card" model allows people who have received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine to participate in some activities, but they do not need to be tested unless they have a "green card". "Green card" holders will still be required to follow the "five kits" and be tested if necessary. In the future, the bureau is cooperating with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Communications and Media to carry out the "green card" model. In addition, the city's department of Communications and media is working on introducing unique software as soon as possible. The software will inherit vaccination, test results and 3d codes. The city has submitted the solution to the central government for approval. Ho Chi Minh City will pilot the solution in three locations when it is approved, and later expand it to other green zones within the city.


Reference website: Vietnam+

Malaysia records 18,547 new infections, S’wak hits highest cases for two consecutive days

Malaysia recorded a total of 18,547 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours with Sarawak topping the list with the highest number of daily cases in two consecutive days.

Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah through a statement posted on Twitter and Facebook said with the number of new cases, the total cumulative tally of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia stood at 1,880,734 cases.

He said Sarawak recorded the highest number of daily cases with 3,200 cases today, adding that yesterday the state logged 3,714 new cases.

“Selangor recorded 2,407 cases followed by Johor (2,174); Sabah (2,107); Penang (1,776); Kedah (1,487); Kelantan (1,458); and Perak (1,197). “Meanwhile, Pahang recorded cases below 1,000 at 742; followed by Terengganu (645); Kuala Lumpur (631); Melaka (448); Negeri Sembilan (229); Perlis (20); Putrajaya (22); and Labuan (four),” he said.



Vietnam reported 12,481 new confirmed cases on September 6. 8,099 cases were found in the community

According to the Ministry of Health, from 17:00 On September 5 to 17:00 on September 6, Vietnam reported 12,481 new confirmed COVID-19 cases across the country, including 4 imported cases and 12,477 indigenous cases.

Of the 12,477 locally confirmed cases, Ho Chi Minh City reported 7,122 cases, Binh Duong 2,194, Tong Nai 871, Long An 857, Chien Giang 234, Kien Giang 201, Sining 134, Khanh Hoa 97, Tong Thar 95, An Giang 87, Thile Lok 79, Hanoi 48 , rich Ann 34 cases, 42 cases of generalized bayu vung tau fu 28 cases, 31 cases, 22 cases, quang binh province 20 cases, 21 cases, vinh province tianshun province 14 cases, jia lai and new disguise all 13 cases, 12 cases nghe an, thanh hoa in 11 cases, 10 cases of ca mau, pacify, wing lung, thin liao all the 9 cases, 7 cases of bac ninh, lam dong and penang know each 4 cases, ning and farmers in 3 patients, and mountains There were 2 cases in Guangnan, 1 in Kunsong and 1 in Beijiang. Of these, 8,099 were found in the community.

In the past 24 hours, the number of locally confirmed cases across the country fell by 624 from yesterday, with Ho Chi Minh City up by 896, Binh Duong down by 1,346, Tong Nai down by 372, Long An up by 101 and Qian Giang up by 101.

With 536,788 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since the outbreak, Vietnam ranks 51st out of 222 countries and territories.

Vietnam has reported 532,490 new confirmed cases since April 27, of which 298,683 have been discharged from hospital after recovery.

Ten provinces -- Beichang, Xuan Guang, Laizhou, Heping, Anpei, Hejiang, Taiyuan, Dien Bien and Yongfu -- have seen no new COVID-19 cases for 14 consecutive days.

Ten provinces -- Quang Ninh, Beichao, Xuan Guang, Laizhou, Heping, An Pei, Hejiang, Taiyuan, Dien Bien and Yongfu -- have reported no new COVID-19 cases for 14 consecutive days.

Five provinces and cities have the highest number of confirmed cases: 258,536 in Ho Chi Minh City, 134,627 in Binh Duong province, 29,420 in Tong Nai, 25,942 in Long An Ha and 10,805 in En Giang Province.

A total of 9,730 patients were cured and discharged from hospitals nationwide on Tuesday, bringing the total number of cured patients to 301,457. Among the patients treated in various medical institutions, there were 6,407 cases of critical illness.

On September 6, 311 new deaths were reported, including 233 in Ho Chi Minh City and 39 in Binh Duong Province. With 13,385 deaths so far, the fatality rate of COVID-19 stands at 2.5%, 0.4% higher than the world average.

In the past 24 hours, 1,169,631 people were sampled and tested nationwide. Since April 27 to date, a total of 40,159,783 people have been sampled and tested.

On Monday, 567,105 doses of COVID-19 vaccine were administered. So far, 22,012,123 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered.


Reference website: Vietnam+

COVID: 20,897 new cases reported Tuesday – Health DG

Aug 31 -- A total of 20,897 new COVID-19 cases were reported in the past 24 hours, up from yesterday’s 19,268 cases, said Health director-general

Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.

The country has recorded more than 20,000 cases daily from Oct 24 to Oct 29, with the highest figure of 24,599 cases being recorded on Oct 26.

Dr Noor Hisham, in a post on his Facebook page, said the total number of infections in Malaysia was now  1,746,254.

“Selangor recorded the highest number of cases, with 4,371, followed by Sabah (2,594), Sarawak (2,285), Johor (2,159), Kedah (1,942) and Penang (1,732).

“Meanwhile, Kelantan recorded 1,479 cases, followed by Perak (1,204), Kuala Lumpur (1,003), Pahang (798), Terengganu (608), Melaka (417) and Negeri Sembilan (215),” he said.

Meanwhile, three states recorded fewer than 100 cases, namely Perlis (64), Putrajaya (25) and Labuan (one).

Dr Noor Hisham, in a statement, said of the 20,897 new cases, 422 atau 2.0 per cent were in categories three, four and five while 20,475 more were in categories one and two.

He said 15,371 cases or 73.6 per cent of the new cases were not vaccinated or partially vaccinated.

Meanwhile, he said there were 18,465 recovered cases reported today, taking the total number of recoveries to 1,461,727, adding that the country now has 267,863 active cases.

Dr Noor Hisham also said that 1,005 patients were being treated in the intensive care unit, with 464 of them requiring respiratory support

He said the 282 new fatalities involved 238 Malaysians and 44 foreign nationals with 98 of them being brought-in-dead (BID) cases.

On the 22 new clusters detected, Dr Noor Hisham said 11 of them were linked to the workplace, eight in the community, two involving high-risk groups, and one a detention center cluster.

Based on the latest data, Malaysia’s COVID-19 infectivity rate or R-Naught (Rt) yesterday was 1.02, with Perlis, at 1.22, being the state with the highest Rt, followed

by Sarawak (1.19) and Sabah (1.12), he said.

All states recorded an Rt above 1.0 except for Melaka, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Labuan and  Negeri Sembilan.



More than 12,000 new COVID-19 cases were confirmed in Vietnam on August 31, with more than 10,000 new cured cases

According to the Ministry of Health, Vietnam reported 12,607 new COVID-19 cases nationwide from 17:00 On August 30 to 17:00 on August 31, including 16 imported cases and 12,591 locally confirmed cases.

Ho Chi Minh City remains the city with the highest number of cases with 5,444 new cases, followed by Binh Duong province with 4,530 new cases and Tong Nai province with 634, Thereafter are respectively from the 138 cases, 123 cases of da nang, xining river province 99 cases, 118 cases, jian jiang province Yi ain 81 cases, 77 cases in Hanoi, city and province 66 cases, 64 cases of bayu vung tau province, smooth province 59 cases, can tho city 53 cases, 47 cases of quang binh, quang ngai 40 cases, tianshun province 25 cases, 23 cases of rich ain, ping fu province 22 cases, 1 an giang province 7 cases, and le province 17 cases, vinh 14 cases, penang Zhi province jiang after 13 cases, 11 cases, binh dinh 8 cases, 8 cases of thanh hoa province, yonglong province 7 cases, rich life of 6 cases, 6 cases ninh thuan province, mountain in liaoning province province 6 cases, 5 cases, 5 cases, 4 cases were lam dong province, and lang son province agriculture province in 4 cases, 3 cases of quang nam province, province of quang tri 3 cases, 3 cases, kun song jia lai province province in 2 cases, 2 cases of tinh province 2 cases in Ninh Binh province and 1 case in Bac Ninh Province. Of these, 7,231 were found in communities.

In the past 24 hours, the number of locally confirmed cases nationwide dropped by 1,628 from the previous day, with 445 down in Ho Chi Minh City, 1,520 down in Binh Duong Province, 143 down in Tong Nai, 63 up in Long An River and seven down in En Giang province.

With 462,096 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since the outbreak began, Vietnam ranks 59th out of 222 countries and territories.

Vietnam has reported 457,882 new confirmed cases since April 27, of which 236,086 have been discharged from hospital after recovery.

Seven provinces -- Quang Ninh, Beichao, Xuan Kwang, Laizhou, Heping, Anpei and Hejiang -- have seen no new COVID-19 cases for 14 consecutive days.

A total of 10,044 patients were cured and discharged from hospitals nationwide as of Friday, bringing the total number of cured patients to 238,860. Among the patients treated in various medical institutions, there were 6,295 cases of critical illness.

As of August 30, the cumulative death toll of COVID-19 was 11,064, with a fatality rate of 2.5 percent, 0.4 percent higher than the world average.

Within 24 hours, 755,197 people were sampled and tested nationwide. Since April 27, a total of 33,497,696 people have been sampled and tested.

On Wednesday, 244,853 doses of COVID-19 vaccine were administered. So far, 19,966,724 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered.

Reference website: Vietnam+

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