Why Recruitment Has Been Difficult and Transformed After the Pandemic

Why Recruitment Is Difficult To Transition After The Epidemic

The epidemic has had a certain impact on recruitment and the job market.

As the economy shrinks, many businesses have reduced hiring, making the talent market more competitive. At the same time, the epidemic has also made many people unemployed, which means that more job seekers will enter the market. These factors combine to make hiring more difficult, a market condition in which the labor market is oversupplied.

However, the impact of the pandemic on hiring has not been entirely negative. By working remotely, many companies have better access to a broader talent pool, thereby broadening their hiring base. Remote work also increases the options for companies to have more talent from around the world. At the same time, the epidemic has also accelerated digital transformation, allowing more companies to seek digital skills and more professional talents.

In general, although the epidemic has brought difficulties to the recruitment market, it has also created new opportunities and prospects for companies and job seekers.

As far as Southeast Asia is concerned, the impact of the epidemic on the economies and job markets of Southeast Asian countries is more significant. Tourism and manufacturing are the two major economic pillars of the region, which have been greatly affected by the epidemic. In terms of the job market, many companies have laid off employees due to reduced production capacity, and the unemployment rate in some areas has continued to rise. At the same time, many companies have begun to adopt remote work and digital transformation, which may bring some new job opportunities. As the epidemic is gradually brought under control, the Southeast Asian economy and job market are still expected to gradually return to normal.

The attribution of the recruitment problem can be as follows. Let's take the game industry as an example:

1. Fierce competition
As a particular industry develops, more and more companies enter the market and competition becomes more intense. This means that companies need to recruit employees with higher skills in order to keep the company ahead. Hiring has become more difficult due to increased competition and increased demand for highly qualified personnel.

2. Lack of skills
Certain industries, such as games, span many fields and require a variety of different skills. For example, game design requires strong aesthetic and technical skills, and digital marketing requires advertising, marketing and data analysis skills. As a result, companies often find it difficult to find talent with the skills they need.

3. Salary pressure
Due to fierce competition, companies usually need to offer higher salaries to attract and retain high-quality talents. However, it can also cause financial difficulties for the company. As compensation pressures mount, companies may find it difficult to recruit and retain talent.

4. Liquidity
Gambling, for example, is a highly liquid industry. Employees often leave their current positions in search of better opportunities. This means that companies need to constantly recruit new employees to fill vacancies, which is likely to cause companies to encounter recruitment difficulties.

5. Cultural adaptation
The gaming industry has its own unique culture, which can make the adjustment difficult for some.
It can be difficult to find someone who has both the required skills and the company culture, which is one of the reasons why hiring is difficult.

Ariel, HR Project Manager.

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