Malaysia Entry Policy

Entry Specifications :

Cancellation of all COVID-19 entry measures. (visa on arrival is not yet open)

Reference sites: China Airlines, Malaysian Immigration Department, Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Post-entry quarantine / quarantine measures

  1. All prospective immigrants are required to download and install the MySejahtera software program and fill in their personal details before arriving in Malaysia, so that the Ministry of Health can track their home quarantine status.
  2. All arrivals are required to undergo a neo-canopy test at the airport (including those arriving in West Malaysia for onward flights to East Malaysia and Labuan, and must be quarantined at a nearby quarantine centre/hotel).
  3. Except for diplomatic personnel (diplomatic passport holders only) who are allowed to be quarantined at home, all other arrivals will be quarantined at a quarantine centre or hotel for 14 days at the government's designated quarantine centre or hotel, with Malaysians paying 44% of the cost and foreigners paying the full cost of the quarantine accommodation.
  4. The above-mentioned persons are required to undergo a second neo-coronary pneumonia test at a medical unit designated by the government on the 13th day of quarantine.
  5. With effect from August 1, it will be mandatory for all citizens to wear masks in crowded public places and when using public transport, offenders will be liable to a fine of RM1,000.
  6. For foreigners who have a permit to enter the country from abroad and those who have a permit to enter the country from within the country, please refer to.





Permission from Immigration Department of Malaysia

PCR Covid-19

Install & Download MySejahtera

Medical Health Screening at Entry Points

Quarantine for 14 days



EP I , II , III &Residence Pass-Talent (RP-T)



Professional Visit Pass (PVP)




Long Term Social Visit Pass (LT-SVP)

Children above 18 years old / Parents / Parents in-law



  1. The Malaysia Government makes a mandatory 14 day quarantine procedure to expatriates returning from abroad at the stipulated Qua rantine Centres set by National Disaster Management Agency(NADMA) and Ministry of Health (MOH) starting 24 July 2020.
  2. All costs shall be borne by the applicants.
  3. Failing to pay all costs or any monies due to the Government of Malaysia, applicant’s active pass will be cancelled, blacklis ted from Immigration system and issued with Notice of ‘Not To Land’ (NTL) for deportation.







Permission from Immigration Department of Malaysia

PCR Covid-19 
Swab Test

Install & Download MySejahtera

Medical Health Screening at Entry Points

Quarantine for 14 days


(Active and New Approved Pass Application)

EP I, II , III & Residence
Dependants & Foreign Maids



Professional Visit Pass (PVP)




Long Term Social Visit Pass (LT-SVP)

Children above 18  years old /  Parents /  Parents in-law



ALL Type of Passes

  • Who do not wish to return to Malaysia during RMCO

  • Leaving for good(expiring of pass/shortened pass)

    No Requirement to apply






    * i ) The Malaysia Government makes a mandatory 14 day quarantine procedure to expatriates returning from abroad at the stipulated Qua rantine Centres set by National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) and Ministry of Health (MOH) starting 24 July 2020. (ii) All costs shall be borne by the applicant. (iii) Failing to pay all costs or any monies due to the Government of Malaysia, applicant’s active pass will be cancelled, blacklisted from Immigration system and issued with Notice of ‘Not To Land’ (NTL) for deportation.

    **Permission to Exit and Return to Malaysia Letter is valid for SIXTY (60) days ONLY and applicant MUST Return to Malaysia within the period with an active Pass.
    IMPORTANT : Permission to Exit and Return to Malaysia will only be considered for the purpose of emergency cases and medical reasons.


    ₁ : Expatriate Committee (JKE)
    *: For New Approved Pass Application Only
    **: For New Approved Pass Application by Non
    Registered ESD Online Approving Agencies Only

    Philippines Entry Policy

    1. Entry Specifications: 

      1. Dual-citizen Filipinos should hold a valid Philippine passport (travel document), proof of identity or proof of regaining or retaining citizenship.
      2. Holders of expired Re-Entry Permit (RP) or Special Return Certificate (SRC) can enter the Philippines.
      3. Hold a valid visa.

      Travel Documents and Quarantine Measures: 

      1. From December 1, 2022, all passengers are required to complete the electronic travel declaration on the new platform eTravel .
      2. Passengers who have fully vaccinated two doses of vaccine (14 days after vaccination): 

          (1) Prepare proof of vaccination.

          (2) Foreign tourists who hold 9A visas, APEC, and visa-free programs must prepare the following documents:

      • Return/onward flight ticket (according to the maximum stay time granted by the visa).
      • COVID-19 medical insurance with a minimum of US$35,000. (Not necessary, IATF only recommends that passengers prepare according to needs)
      1. Not yet vaccinated/incompletely vaccinated/unable to verify or show vaccination proof status:

          (1) Passengers aged 15 and over must prepare a negative test report in English version of antigen rapid screening within 24 hours before flight departure.

          (2) Passengers who have not provided a pre-flight rapid screening test report must undergo a rapid screening test at the airport upon arrival (the test fee is 600 pesos, and US dollars and credit cards can also be used)

          (3) Passengers under the age of 15 must follow the quarantine regulations of accompanying parents/adults.

          (4) Unaccompanied children and adolescents under the age of 15 who have not been vaccinated should follow the specifications in (1) and (2) of point 3.

      **important hint**

      1. Complete vaccination: Johnson & Johnson vaccine (only 1 dose is required), other vaccines are 14 days after the second dose of vaccine "the next day".
      2. The booster dose (third dose) does not need to be inoculated for 14 days.
      3. For the types of vaccines approved in the Philippines, please refer to the official website of the Philippine FDA . From June 7, 2022, the Philippine government has added a high-end vaccine (Medigen) as one of the approved vaccines.
      4. Certificate of Vaccination Recognized by the Philippines:

          (1) WHO - issued ICV

          (2) VAXCERTPH (Reciprocal agreement country)

          (3) Passengers who are vaccinated locally in the Philippines need to register on VAXCERTPH and obtain a certificate, or obtain a BOQ-approved international version of the vaccination certificate.

          (4) Passengers who have been vaccinated in Taiwan can hold a vaccination record card or a digital COVID-19 health certificate .

      1. For other relevant information, please refer to the official website of the Philippine Immigration Bureau .

    Reference sites: China Airlines, Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs

    Vietnam Epidemic

    According to the Viet Nam Government portal

    • According to the Viet Nam Government portal, on 21 March, due to the seriousness of the neo-crowned pneumonia epidemic, the Government of Viet Nam has decided to suspend the entry of foreigners from 22 March onwards, requiring declaration in order to be allowed to enter the country in special cases and isolation after entry.
    • From 0000 hours on 22 March, all foreigners are banned from entering the country, which does not apply to people entering Viet Nam for "diplomatic" or "official" purposes or those entering under special circumstances (e.g. foreign guests attending, serving important foreign activities; experts. enterprise managers and highly skilled labourers); visa-free entry certificates issued to foreigners of Vietnamese origin or their family members are temporarily invalid. Persons entering Viet Nam are subject to health inspection procedures and centralized quarantine, and persons entering for diplomatic and official purposes and in special circumstances (foreign guests attending, serving important foreign activities; experts, business managers and highly skilled labourers) are quarantined at their places of residence in accordance with regulations.
    • From April 1, Vietnam-Laos and Vietnam-Cambodia border crossings and passages are temporarily closed; international crossings allow entry of people for diplomatic and official purposes and other special circumstances.
    • On April 9, the news called for continued control of border areas and restrictions on foreigners and out-of-town Vietnamese entering Vietnam (except in special circumstances); suspension of operation of international flights (except those approved by the Government's Prime Minister for civil protection missions); maximum restrictions on domestic flights; and continued reminding out-of-town Vietnamese citizens not to return to the country until April 15. Quarantine of all arrivals, etc.
    • In accordance with the requirements of the National Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic in Vietnam, foreign investors, experts, business managers, and highly skilled workers are required to complete real-time fluorescence technology (RT-PCR) nucleic acid testing within three to seven days prior to entering the country.
      The tests must be performed at a government-approved testing facility or a WHO-system testing facility. The above requirements do not apply to persons who entered the country before August 5, 2020.

    Malaysia Epidemic

    With effect from 18 March, departure of Malaysians and entry of non-Malaysians is prohibited.

    • With effect from 18 March, departure of Malaysians and entry of non-Malaysians is prohibited. Foreign tourists, visitors and foreigners on labour, student, work, skilled professional, family and second home permanent visas are not allowed to enter the country. Foreign workers employed in industries declared by the government as essential are allowed to enter the country and are required to provide a letter of certification from their employers, as well as pass a health check at the gate and self-quarantine for 14 days. Spouses and children of Malaysian citizens holding long-term family visas are allowed to enter the country, subject to medical clearance at the border and self-segregation for 14 days. The Malaysian government allows connecting flights to third countries through the Malaysian transit zone (without going through immigration), however, due to individual travel circumstances, it is important to check with the airline carrier for further details on the availability of connecting flights from Malaysia.
    • According to the Malaysian Prime Minister's televised speech on 7 June, the Restorative Movement Control Order (RMCO) will be implemented from 10 June to 31 August to resume inter-state travel, subject to outbreak prevention and control measures, except for areas under total lockdown. According to the notice issued by Malaysia Visa Centre on 9 June, all foreigners from outside the country will be prohibited from entering Malaysia during the implementation of the MRO. All visa types including eNTRI, eVISA, VOA, Visa on Arrival, Visa Sticker, Malaysia and endorsement visas will not be allowed to enter Malaysia and the issuance of these visas will be suspended. It will be suspended until further notice. Holders of valid visas are advised to avoid entering Malaysia during this period.
    • Malaysian Prime Minister Robert Muhyiddin announced tonight (28) in a nationally televised speech that the Recovery Type Action Control Order (RMCO), which was due to expire on 31 August, will be extended until the end of this year, i.e. 31 December. Malaysia will continue to extend the Recovery Type Action Control Order (RMCO) for four months as the neo-coronary pneumonia epidemic is not yet over.

    Philippines Epidemic


    The Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) has suspended the processing of applications for paper visas and electronic travel permits until further notice in line with the Philippine government's response to the spread of the "novel coronavirus" epidemic.

    • Temporarily banned the entry of any person from mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, except for Filipino citizens and holders of permanent residence visas issued by the Philippine government, who are subject to mandatory quarantine for 14 days after entry.
    • A state of national disaster was declared on 16 March. The issuance of visas was suspended at all Foreign Service Offices of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs and visas previously issued were rendered invalid.
    • Effective 22 March, foreign nationals holding 9A temporary and tourist visas were barred from entering the Philippines, but visas held by staff of foreign governments and international organizations will continue to be valid, as will visas held by foreign spouses and children of Filipino nationals.

    Suspension of all visa-free entitlements, including holders of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) passports, Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) passports, Macau-Portugal passports, and British National Overseas Passports (BNO), but excluding spouses and children of Filipino citizens.

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